American Dream 35



Always let you down id125485ALWAYS LET YOU DOWN ( José Miguel Belloque Vane & Guillaume Richard)

Bethlehem child roy verdonk sebastiaan holtland jose m b v interBETHLEHEM CHILD  ( Roy Verdonk,  Sebastiaan Holtland & Jose Mighel Belloque Vane)  

California daniel whittaker jose m b vane interCALIFORNIA (Daniel Whittaker &Jose Mighel Belloque Vane)

Come alive id124108COME ALIVE  (Shane McKeever & Rachel McEnanney White)

Don t think about you niels poulsen inter phrasedDONT THINK ABOUT YOU  (Niels Poulsen)

Drop snap id132804DROP SNAP  (J-p Madge &Jose Mighel Belloque Vane)

Falling walls darren bailey inter phrasedFALLING WALLS  (darren bailey )

Globetrottin daniel trepat simon ward fred whitehouse interGLOBETROTTIN ' 'Daniel Trepat,  Simon Ward et  Fred Whitehouse inter)

Lie to me ami carter august 2018 copperknobLIE TO ME (Ami Carter)

Make no promises jose m bv jef camps interMAKE NO PROMISES   (José Miguel Belloque Vane & Jef Camps ) 

Mind up id126299MIND UP   (José Miguel Belloque Vane & Jean-Pierre Madge)

No strings attached simon w maddison g niels p inter cha chaNO STRINGS ATTACHED ( Simon Ward, Madisson Glover, NIels Poulsen)  

Pink heartsPINK HEARTS (Niels Poulsen)

Power over me roy verdonk annette rosendahl dam jef camps interPOWER OVER ME  (roy verdonk annette rosendahl dam jef camps)

Price you pay paul james di blakeley hi interPRICE YOUR PAY (paul james et David Ian blakeley)

Rainberry guillaume r jose m bv hi imprRAINBERRY  (Guillaume Richard et José Miguel Belloque Van) 

Remember us this way alison johnstone daniel trepat interREMEMBER US THIS WAY  (Alison Johnstone & Daniel Trepat)

Revolution fred whitehouse advREVOLUTION (Fred Whitehouse)

Sanctify my sins shane mckeever debbie rushton rebecca lee advSANCTIFY MY SINS (Shane Mckeever Debbie Rushton Rebecca Lee )

Second time around fred whitehouse darren bailey july 2018 copperknobSECOND TIME AROUND  ( Fred Whitehouse & Darren Bailey)

Secrets we keep shane mck guillaume r niels p inter nc2sSECRET WE KEEP   (Shane McKeever, Guillaume Richard, Niels Poulsen) 

Smoke fireSMOKE, FIRE  (José Miguel Belloque Vane & JSebastiaan Holtland ) 

Tip pon itTIP PON IT ( Shane McKeever, Jonathan Yang, Steven Buhennic, Isabelle Delage, Coline Ragot)

The eurodance id126538THE EURODANCE (Team Eurodance - Dee Musk)

The show id133422THE SHOW  (Guillaume Richard & Debbie Rushton)

True inspiration id127576TRUE INSPIRATION (Julia Wetzel)

Vampire city id126896VAMPIRE CITY ( Shane McKeever & Niels Poulsen)

Walk in the night id128258WALK IN THE NIGHT (Gary O'Reilly & Maggie Gallagher)

Whatever it takes shane fred niels jpm dee joey adv phrasedWHATEVER IT TAKES  (shane McKeever,  fred Whithehouse, niels Poulsen, J.P Madge, Dee Musk & Joey Warren)